A pendulum is a weight hanging from a fixed point. When pulled and released, the forces of gravity and inertia create movement. However, when no force is inflicted on the weight, something begins to happen naturally; energy moves the weight with a little help from the unconscious mind. Artisan crafted, each pendulum is handmade and has naturally occurring stones ethically sourced from western hills of India. These artisans have expertise in cutting and moulding stones which is passed on through the generations in their families. Orgone, also known as mana, chi, essentially the universal life force, life’s energy, is attracted all day, every day by everyone – we then transform & utilise this energy & re-release it. Thus the basic energy circle of all existence. Orgonite functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy & transmuting it into positive energy. This pendulum is made with orgonite, which is then poured into a mold over the copper coils and 7 featured chakra crystals that are mentioned above, creating a very highly charged pendant. This pendant will attract negative energy & entities and transform these energies into positive useful energy. Since these are handmade, each piece is unique & quantities are limited.
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