Smudge Kit for beginner’s and the experienced alike: This starter smudging kit contains sweetgrass, white sage, flat cedar, abalone shell, quick light charcoal disc and a smudging feather. A suggested smudging ritual: To begin, start at the front door of the home and light your Smudge stick . Then, begin to move around the home. Move mindfully and with care, walking clockwise around the entire perimeter of the home. Be sure to allow the smoke to drift into even the hidden spaces, like inside closets, basements and dark corners.The smoke from the Sage Bundle attaches itself to the negative energy of the area and cleanses it so that it becomes positive energy. The smoke of the burning Cedar is said to attract the good spirits and eliminate negative energies. Sweetgrass is often burned at the beginning of a prayer or ceremony ro attract positive energies. The Charcoal tablet is great for burning loose incense in the Abalone Shell . It can be broken into pieces to you don’t have to burn the whole disc at one time. Use the mini feather fan to keep the herbs smouldering while you smudge. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ More about Abalone Shells: Abalone shells are often used in smudging rituals, not only because they are practical in that they catch the hot cinders that fall away from the smudging stick after it has burnt, but also because they are a beautiful gift straight from Mother Earth’s ocean. Abalone shells are a thick seashell which shimmers with the gorgeous iridescent colours of mother-of-pearl. They hold the energy of the ocean and bring a strong calming and healing energy, allowing you to remain connected to the sea – even when you are landlocked.
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